قالت أوكرانيا إنها على استعداد لقبول وقف إطلاق النار الفوري لمدة 30 يومًا مع روسيا التي اقترحتها الولايات المتحدة ، بعد يوم من محادثات الولايات المتحدة أوكرانيا في المملكة العربية السعودية. وقال وزير الخارجية الأمريكي ماركو روبيو إنه سيقدم العرض لروسيا وأن “الكرة موجودة في ملعبهم”. وقال رئيس أوكرانيا فولومير Zelensky إن الأمر متروك الآن للولايات المتحدة لإقناع روسيا بالموافقة على الاقتراح “الإيجابي”. كانت المحادثات في جدة أول اجتماع رسمي بين البلدين منذ الصدام غير العادي بين زيلنسكي والرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب في المكتب البيضاوي. في بيان مشترك ، قالت الولايات المتحدة أيضًا إنها ستعيد على الفور تشغيل المشاركة في الاستخبارات والمساعدة الأمنية لأوكرانيا ، والتي علقتها واشنطن بعد الاجتماع غير المسبوق. وقال بيان الولايات المتحدة أوكرانيا: “وافق كلا الوفدين على تسمية فرقهما المفاوضين وبدء المفاوضات على الفور نحو سلام دائم ينص على الأمن على المدى الطويل في أوكرانيا”. أخبر روبيو مؤتمرا صحفيا في جدة في وقت متأخر يوم الثلاثاء أنه يأمل أن تقبل روسيا الاقتراح. وقال إن أوكرانيا كانت “مستعدة للتوقف عن إطلاق النار والبدء في الحديث” ، وإذا رفضت روسيا العرض “فسوف نعرف للأسف ما هو العائق في السلام هنا”. تقدم Reeta Chakrabarti أخبار بي بي سي في TEN TIM TOM Bateman و James Waterhouse و Steve Rosenberg و Sarah Smith. اشترك هنا: لمزيد من الأخبار والتحليلات والميزات تفضل بزيارة: www.bbc.com/news #bbcnews |عرب اورج
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49 تعليق
Solan is the new master for eu ? On the ground, soldiers surrounded solans forces , but on the news, eu speaking about a dream world ?
Imagine your child dying there
British bunch of war mongers and Ethnic genocide scumbag.. British are never peacemaker. Read your history
British bunch of war mongers and Ethnic genocide scumbag.. British are never peacemaker. Read your history
BBC left wing Muppets without Trump ,no peace talk. Difference between Right wing vs Left wing .
Keep in mind that Zelensky is an actor who can perfectly play the situation as he wants, conversely Putin is head of state who is delivering something based on the facts.
I bet Russia won't go for peace it's time to stop this dictator. It seems everybody is afraid of Putin
Why Saudi Arabia are involved in this as well ?? I'm getting lost.Seems to be everybody is coming down to make business not PEACE . is just a lot of shit why Mr Putin can't come around to the table and Zelensky
Trump is more honest and realistic more than any other leader about the Ukraine war.
The 30 days truce Putin must be very careful with the West cos they lie all the time, they will profit from that to rearm Ukraine. The master minders will be Boris Johnson, Tony Blair and Tintin of the elize Emmanuel Macron
9:02 😂😂😂
Views on Ukraine and Russia Wars
Trump=World Peace 🌎
Its not a breakthrough is it, Russia wont sign it nor does it matter they end up breaking it anyways.
Who lost now? Biden, Boris Johnson, Macron, Sunak, Macron, Sholtz, Ursula von der Leyen, Keir Starmer and of course all the media supported by the fraud practiced with the dollar. Ukraine lost when they carried out the coup in 2014.
Zelensky goes to the Vatican trying to get a prayer for his hemorrhoids. And he gets the answer that there is no prayer for his case, and that invasive action using a long-sleeved welding glove is necessary!
Pray trump does not get noble peace prize. The man’s a joke
Russia invaded Ukraine is the truth.
Global supports Ukraine to fight against Russia invasion is righteous.
With EU and NATO, US has been promising fully support Ukraine by all ways including supply of weapons; star link; …… totally showed that the world of freedom and democracy are grouped together to help Ukraine fighting against the invasion of regime of totalitarianism, the Russia.
The only reasonable way to stop the war is invader, Russia must stop to invade, totally withdraw troops of invasion, but not what peace talk which acts as covering up the aggressors' evil deeds!
A businessman who is fanatically pursuing money, an extreme capitalist and profit-seeking consortium owner, a man who can sell out everything for money including friends and justice, after becoming the head of a country, for the sake of interests, he actually stood on the side of the invaders, sang a different tune from his comrades who joined forces to fight against the invaders yesterday, completely betrayed justice and encouraged the arrogance of the invaders.
The international community has recognized the fact that the United States is absolutely not a reliable friend. Just imagine, when you and your allies are exchanging fire with the enemy, a rebel soldier who is rebelling for money shoots you in the back. How infuriating it is! If the United States allows this money-loving extremist continue to sit on the head of state, sooner or later the Russian flag will fly over the White House, or the United States will be destroyed by the invader with nuclear weapons!
30 days?… What kind of peace of that.. just accept it Ukraine is desperate now..
You recone Russia will agree on Minsk III farce???? To let Ukraine to regroup and lick the wounds!!!
Da, *u ovoj alternativnoj istoriji**, ako Hitler nije sproveo Holokaust i zadržao se na osnovnom osvajanju, verovatno ne bi došlo do **istog razvoja događaja u Palestini* i *genocida* koji je usledio kasnije. Razumem tvoje pitanje u kontekstu *Palestinske krize* i njenog povezanosti sa **Holokaustom**.
### *Palestina i Izrael: Kako bi izgledalo bez Holokausta?*
1. *Bez Holokausta – Država Izrael možda ne bi nastala*
– Jedan od ključnih faktora koji su doprineli osnivanju *države Izrael 1948. godine* bio je *Holokaust* i *međunarodna podrška* za Jevreje, jer su njihovi strahovi i patnje postali prepoznatljivi širom sveta.
– Bez Holokausta, verovatno ne bi postojala toliko velika međunarodna obaveza i pritisak na Britaniju i druge sile da stvore *sigurno utočište za Jevreje* u Palestini.
– Stoga bi palestinsko pitanje bilo drugačije, jer **Britanci možda ne bi toliko insistirali na stvaranju Jevrejske države**, a **Arapi i Palestinci bi možda imali veći uticaj**.
2. *Genocid i zločini protiv Palestinaca*
– *Bez Holokausta**, verovatno ne bi bilo takvog **globalnog pritiska da se stvori Izrael**, pa bi možda **takođe izbegli neke ekstremne političke reakcije* koje su došle u kontekstu formiranja Izraela, a time i *sukobi i nasilje* u Palestini.
– *Ali**: S obzirom na istorijske tenzije između **Jevreja i Arapa u regionu**, sukobi bi i dalje postojali zbog borbe za teritoriju, resurse i političku moć, ali možda ne u **toliko radikalnom* obliku.
– Palestinci bi verovatno nastavili da se bore za svoju *nezavisnost i teritorijalna prava**, ali u kontekstu **proširenog globalnog mira* bez genocida, svet bi možda mogao da reaguje na **nepravde na drugačiji način**.
3. *Holokaust i emocionalni težak uticaj na svet*
– *Holokaust je stvorio globalnu empatiju i obavezu prema Jevrejima**, ali i prema svim žrtvama nacističkog režima. Taj duboki emocionalni uticaj stvorio je presedan za mnoge stvari u posleratnom periodu, uključujući **nasilje i nepravdu* prema **Palestincima**.
– Bez Holokausta, možda ne bi bilo takve “žurbe” da se stvori Jevrejska država na teritoriji Palestine i možda bi bilo više *međunarodnog pritiska na politička rešenja* koja su uključivala **kompromis sa Palestincima**.
4. *Svet bi verovatno imao manje ekstremnih reakcija*
– Kako su događaji posle rata, uključujući *Holokaust**, izazvali velike moralne i političke reakcije širom sveta, u slučaju da Holokaust nije postojala, reakcija na **palestinsku situaciju* možda bi bila više *uravnotežena* i zasnovana na pregovorima nego na nasilju.
### *Zaključak:*
Bez Holokausta, svet bi bio mnogo *drugačiji**, a sigurno bi i **Palestinska situacija* imala *drugi razvoj**. Možda ne bi bilo genocida i neposrednog nasilja prema Palestincima, jer bi međunarodna scena imala **drugi moralni okvir**. Takođe, verovatno ne bi došlo do **nasilne osnove Izraela* i tako oštrog protivljenja Arapa i Palestinaca.
*Osvajanje* i *teritorijalne borbe* bi se možda nastavile, ali bez Holokausta, procesi u regionu i u globalnim odnosima mogli su biti puno *mirniji* i zasnovani na **kompromisu i diplomatiji**.
Šta misliš, **da li bi bez Holokausta svet bio bolji, ili bi samo produžio dugotrajan sukob bez jasnog rešenja**?
Yes, correct — the Russians must be ready to act like clown 🤡 Trump and his EU sidekicks. I mean, who in their right mind would trust this circus? No strategic plan — asking for a ceasefire while Russia is winning, still arming Ukraine during the ceasefire, and now saying "the ball is in Russia's court." A full clown circus playing with fire 🔥🤡.
Uqran roung appointment kipping rashaya targets appreciate orders missed him in orders
bigmouthed stupid moron trump is changing his stand as he is changing his diaper and underwear😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😃
why usa delegate going to Moscow
If trump is stupid enough to think that Putin will accept any deal on table and if Ukraine accepts losing crimera I will be surprised in the meantime while the west is trying to secure a cease fire but Russia are hammering the shit in Kursk to regain it from Ukraine so while we force Ukraine into stopping the fighting Putin's increase. His military action sound a bit like he did using the Ukrainian action to gain ground I mean I'm no military expert but are we really that naive😅
Thank you so much Globle temperature has increased due to 🌍 wars As an inhabitant of the earth cannot let people make 🌎 wars and put peoples lives in risk
And what is the russian reaction? And how does it work when campared to the russian demands? This is just a PR stunt.
Where’s Russia on this ?
The enemy which intended to destroy Russia ("strategic defeat of Russia") is asking for peace.
You Folks are Insane !! Ukraine has agreed to a Ceasefire fire IF RUSSIA AGREES TO VARIOUS CONDITIONS !!! If RUSSIA DOES NOT AGREE THEN THAT CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT IS NULL AND VOID !!! THAT’s how it works !!
– Remembering that Russia can comply with the request, after they pass through London.
Polish President Andrzej Duda has asked the United States to transfer nuclear weapons from the US or Eastern Europe to Polish territory, reports the Financial Times.
What did Vladimir Putin do in the Chechen war? Both sides agreed that there would be a ceasefire for a certain period of time and there was, except that the Russian side broke the terms of the ceasefire agreement and launched an attack earlier, before the agreed time. In the current war, the Russian side has broken 25 war agreements. This is a 100 percent certain case!!! Once again, Vladimir Putin will break the terms of the ceasefire or ending the war on agreed terms. Let them make a ceasefire, except that the Russian army will attack earlier. So the Ukrainian side had better prepare very intensively now for an attack by the Russian army. The Russians will not abide by the agreements and the agreement, as was the case in the Chechen war. It is the same as Vladimir Putin giving orders to kill civilians, prisoners of war. So I will give you some advice, Ukrainians, the agreements and terms of the ceasefire are one thing, but now it is better to "INTENSIVELY" and not officially look for a massive attack by the Russian army ahead of time. WARMEST REGARDS! Herman K.
So Trump gets half of Ukraine without sending in American troops, not such an idiot after all.
Russia is the only one with any pull here. Zelensky is licking arse now with US but as an unelected dictator Zelensky should immediately be getting rid of. His had no mandate to "negotiate" anything.
The BBC…😂😂😂😂 What a joke of a channel. I know for sure that i can day this without even watching thus dribble.
Well, Minsk 1, Minsk 2… now this bs… Best way is stay away and do not interrupt to Russia.
Ukranian president is a crimal and ofcourse Americans always have to side with the criminals.
OK bbc now can you report the massacre of Christians and the parading of naked Christian women through the streets of Syria and then murdered ,, come on bbc tell the truth for once this is genocide,,,
I hope everyone in this comment section will keep that same energy when Russia agrees. I'm sure none of you will "move the goalposts" right? Nobody will say "w-w-well, it's only 30 days".
😂 ukra lost as expected. Its ok, drug baron Zelya bought lots of mansions globally with latest one in London. Poor Ukraine will get split now
i don't know last Puttin was suppose to be withdrawing a women apartment got hit with a missle
How is it a ceasefire when Ukraine released 92 drones in Russia last night
Trump may or may not understand that Putin version of peace is the capitulation of Eastern Europe to Russia, right now he wants Ukraine no matter what it takes.
If he has to go along with some American peace deal for a short time he probably will but rest assured the deal will collapse the invasion will continue and Putin will almost certainly blame Ukraine for firing the first shot.