غسل الشعر بالماء فقط! العناية بالشعر الصحي الطبيعي. يا شباب! لقد فتحت متجر etsy جديد. تحقق من الرابط أدناه. موسيقى مجانية مقدمة من YOUTUBE| الصديق القديم من الشريك الصامت يا شباب! لذلك، هذا الفيديو هو تسجيل الوصول وتحديث الشعر. لقد استخدمت حتى الآن مكيف البامية أربع مرات إجمالاً. يجب أن أقول إنه بالتأكيد أحد أفضل المكيفات التي جربتها حتى الآن. ليس لدي أي شكاوى. شعري ينمو كما هو متوقع. ومع ذلك، لم أر أي دليل على أي نمو سريع حتى الآن. قد يكون هذا بسبب أن شعري ملتوي، لذا لا أستطيع الجزم…. بمجرد أن أقوم بإزالة التواء قد أكون مفاجأة سارة…سنرى. خلال الأسابيع القليلة الماضية، واجهت تراكمًا للدهون الشمعية/اللزجة. أنا لست جديدًا بأي حال من الأحوال على تجربة الزهم الشمعي، ولكن الزهم غير المتحرك، تمامًا. لقد قمت بشطف الزيت باستخدام زيت جوز الهند. اتركي الزيت على شعري لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ/الساخن. في اليوم الأول، كان شعري قاسيًا بعض الشيء، وهو ما توقعته (هذه هي الطريقة التي يستجيب بها شعري لكمية زائدة من زيت جوز الهند). في اليوم الثاني، شعر شعري بتحسن كبير، وفي اليوم الثالث أدركت أن شطف الزيت لم ينجح. ولأنني شخص غريزي، فقد اتبعت حدسي، وقررت تجربة شطف الزيت بشكل متتالي، على أمل أن ينجح ذلك… قمت بتطبيق كمية كبيرة من الزيت على فروة رأسي وشعري (الضغط على الزيت وتنعيمه في خصلات شعري)، مما يجعل تأكد من تدليك وخدش فروة رأسي. تركت الزيت على شعري لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ/الساخن. خلال هذا الوقت أبقيت شعري مثبتًا وفي اليوم الخامس عاد شعري إلى طبيعته. يا شباب، إذا وجدتم أنفسكم في موقف مماثل، فلا داعي للذعر؛ النفط يقطع الزهم. قد تحتاج إلى القيام بأكثر من علاج الشطف بالزيت للحصول على النتائج المرجوة. شكرا للمشاهدة! إذا كنت مهتمًا بزيت بذور الكتان الذي آخذه، فانقر فوق هذا الرابط: إذا كنت ترغب في تجربة مسحوق الحلبة، فانقر على هذا الرابط: العلامات: غسل الشعر بالماء فقط، بدون غسل البراز، تكييف طبيعي، مكيفات طبيعية، تكييف الدهن، مكيف الشعر الطبيعي لرطوبة الزهم، الزهم فقط، شعر طبيعي صحي، علاج الشعر، شعر طبيعي، بدون شامبو، شعر طبيعي صحي، أرخص طريقة لغسل الشعر، علاج طبيعي لجفاف الشعر، شعر الزهم، شعر مجعد، غسل الشعر بالماء، لا غسل البراز، لا مزيد من البلسم، غسل الشعر بالماء فقط، العناية بالشعر الطبيعي، شعر طبيعي سهل، شعر طبيعي جاف، الماء فقط مقابل الزهم فقط، البلسم أو الزهم، نصائح لغسل الماء فقط، بدون شامبو، فوائد الماء فقط، الماء فقط، وو، الزهم فقط الشعر، الماء فقط رائحة غسل الشعر، الماء فقط غسل الشعر المجعد، الماء فقط غسل القشرة، غسل الشعر بالماء فقط، عدم غسل الشعر، التوقف عن غسل الشعر، الماء فقط للشعر، شعر صحي، غسل الشعر الطبيعي , العناية بالشعر بدون براز, كيف تغسلين شعرك بدون شامبو, طرق طبيعية لشعر رائع, العناية بالشعر بدون براز, كيف تغسلين شعرك الطبيعي, شعر طبيعي صحي, بلسم شعر طبيعي, شعر طبيعي صحي, نصائح لشعر طبيعي صحي |عرب اورج
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23 تعليق
Oh gosh, thanks for sharing! I'd been water only about 9 months and the grey cast thing just happened to me this morning. Make it so bad, I just clarified last night! But when I took my flat twists down, it looked like someone had put grey chalk in my hair. I almost didn't notice it, but I did a double take because I was about to walk out the door for work! So I've got a head full of coconut oil now. I'm not a coconut oil fan because it makes my hair hard too. I'm going to let it sit 30 mins and do a DC at the same time. I guess that the best thing is that I mastered my 2 strand flat twist & it'll be super cute when my hair is back to normal. Girl, thanks so much for these videos. I don't know how many times I've had to run to them for help! But I love the method & will keep at it. XO!!
How long is your hair stretched out? and how many inches have you retained since you've started water only washing?
hello Ms. wateronlyhairwash! i wanna start this method but i dont know how i should prepare my hair.. currently my hair is filled with olive oil and leave in conditioner.. should i just start rinsing from here? should u shampoo? co-wash? what do i do??
hi after flat ironing my hair, i think i have some heat damage. do you think that continuing on the WOW will possibly help or should i be using some protein treatments/ deep conditioning?
I have been getting the gray look to my hair every 3 days I determine it was sebum. So I clarify wit ACV I may try the oil rinse next time. Thank you for your videos. Great information.
i get sebum grey build up when i wear a protective style. Once a month a long hot combing in shower resolves excess sebum.
Thanks for this video I have been sick for the past two weeks and noticed this a few days ago I did two coconut oil rinses and it's almost gone.
Anyone, I could use some help. Couple of days later. My hair has a gray cast to it. How can I cleanse without stripping sebum. Help.
Thanks for this video, because I am experiencing this right now. I only started with the water washing method a few months ago, and I see the change in my hair, I wanted to do a Rasshoul clay mask, but I was afraid it would mess up my hair, although its a very nice gentle mud. If you would / can do a video some time about clay masks, It would be super. not yet tried it because I am not sure what the effect will be.
Any way I will try it with olive oil, since my coconut oil is finished and my hair reacts strange to coconut oil. thanks and God bless you
Will the coconut oil totally strip the sebum & therefore, will I have to start the process all over again?
What do you recommend for length retention?
What're some forms of exercise you do? Would you mind doing a vid for us? 🙂
Hello I'm confused! I have a lot of sebum build up and I thought you suggested in your videos to do an ACV rinse. Help!
Thank you so much for sharing. I have been doing the water only method now for about 4 months or more maybe even close to 6. Currently I have noticed my sebum drying for about two weeks or so. I wash my hair once weekly, yet I massage and let my hair get nice and steamed in the shower as often as possible. Any advice would be appreciated.
I would like to try a wash and go on this method. Is there any type of natural non sebum stripping recipe? Also, I have only been doing this method for a little over a month. It has been a little discouraging because I have gone through a lot of dryness and breakage wondering if I handle my hair to roughly. I have tried the oil and Shea Butter on the ends alternating. Any suggestions? One more question. I have an upcoming event and refuse, I mean refuse to put commercial products for a tapered look. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot. I really hope I can stick to this healthy method of cleansing and conditioning my hair.
I agree, probably the detoxing that gave you the attack of the Super-Sebum lol. Thanks for sharing this, it helps us a lot. Coconut oil does the same to my hair on the first day. I'm a few weeks in WOW and I am hooked!!! Thank u!!!
Hi, I was just about to message you about the greyness and dandruff on the front of my hair, and then I come across this video! So i'll definitely try a coconut oil rinse, thanks.
Just to complete the question I had: I now have full sebum coverage, which is great, but i'm not sure what else I should be doing now. I have heard little bits about rinses, like green tea rinses & clay rinses, but not too sure what these are for, and whether i now need to be doing these as well. Can you answer this or if you already have, direct me to the correct video? Thank you!!! 🙂
Omg I love your hair!Question: Can I use this as a leave in? Will this cause breakage if I do because I really would like to use this product as a wash and go.
This video came just at the right time! I have been trying out this method for about 8 months now on my 4c, fine hair and I honestly love it, there are lots of things I am still trying to work out though. I have this problem frequently where my hair gets that grey colour and the build up on my scalp seems to happen for me in about 3 weeks time. I normally would do a clay wash on my hair because the ACV rinses didn't clear it all out (It would sometimes even just make my roots even more sticky). I haven't tried doing an oil rinse to clear it out but I think I will because I don't want to have to use the clay or regular shampoo all the time. I think I will try with olive oil though because I noticed that coconut oil also makes my hair feel hard, and it makes my scalp itchy (which I didn't realize until I started this method and my never ending itches went away)! I just wanted to say thank you for being so thorough with your information and findings. You must already know this but it is immensely helpful.
The one question I have I'm not really sure if you would be able to help me with this but I guess if you or anyone else has ideas it would be great to hear them. Any information/ thoughts/ ideas on maintaining the hair with this method while braid extensions are installed? I like to wear extensions when I need a break from my hair but I don't want to neglect it completely, especially since my sebum builds up quite quickly.
Hi I have had the same also happen to me. I resorted to a gentle shampoo to take off the buildup layer. I did not fully lather…I used a very measured amt of moisturizing shampoo but I don't want to keep using a shampoo as often to do this. I have also tried oil rinsing, I LOOOVEE my hair after an oil rinse but I don't feel like it 'cleans' my hair and in the next week I had the same 'gray buildup. I have since tried a conditioning clay product. I have videoed this info but I just need to edit…sigh…Thanks for sharing this!
Have you experimented with heat on the water only method. I'm six months into water only and want to wear my hair straight while the weather is cool . Thanks in advance.
Hello! Thank you for this update! I have a couple of questions:
Why does flaxseed gel strip sebum? Also, do you know how to generate more sebum? I am not sure if I have full sebum coverage.
Can you discuss your diet and how it plays a role in your beautiful skin and hair please and thank you!!