Let’s Cook History عبارة عن سلسلة مسلية وغنية بالمعلومات من خمسة أجزاء تستكشف أصول عادات الطهي والعادات الأوروبية. تقوم كل حلقة بإعادة بناء وجبة شهيرة من فترة مختلفة في التاريخ ، تصور تطور الأذواق والعادات والتجارة العالمية التي شكلت المطبخ المعاصر. إنه مثل Netflix for History … اشترك في History Hit ، أفضل خدمة وثائقية للتاريخ في العالم واحصل على خصم 50 ٪ باستخدام الكود “المطلق” هذه القناة هي جزء من شبكة History Hit. أي استفسارات يرجى الاتصال: expary-enquiries@littledotstudios.com |عرب اورج
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45 تعليق
Maitre D……..a role concocted by men so they wouldn't suffer the humiliations of being called a cook……like a woman. Who do they think signed off the deliveries before them?! lol
The depth here is commendable; much like a book I read that was insightful and deep. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
Molière lived from 1645 to 1673, and Louis 14 became king in 1643, so the author's contention that the 1600's were the 18th century is enough to conclude that the author knows nothing about history
But French service is a buffet. Russian service has courses.
During the 15th and 16th centuries the French were influenced by the progressing culinary arts in Italy. Much of this happened because of Catherine de' Medici (a Florentine princess) Italian cooks were light years ahead of French culinary specialists.
Italian inovation
With the arrival of Catherine, French cuisine slowly moved away from silk-road spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves and nutmeg) and turned towards garden herbs (rosemary, sage, oregano, basil). Caterina recommended that savory and sweet flavors be separated (during medieval times, sweet and savory had shared the same plate) and rather than smothering food with spices, French cooks attempted to enhance natural flavors instead.
Soon, meat was served in its own juices and fish was served in sauces that were created with fish stock.Other Italian dishes that Caterina introduced to France include Spinach, Crêpes, Soup d’Oignon, Macaroons and Béchamel sauce.
Caterina loved spinach so much that she insisted it be included in every meal and even today, any dish with spinach in it has become known to the French as ‘Florentine style’.
Crêpes or Crespelle?
The famous French delicacy ‘Crêpes’ takes its name from the Crespelle alla Fiorentina — in Renaissance times it was known as pezzuole della nonne (literally, “grandmother’s cloth”) unlike the French habit of eating crêpes sweet — Italians stuffed them with Ricotta and (you guessed it) spinach!
Carabaccia was another of Caterina’s favorite Tuscan dishes. This unique onion soup is found in French cuisine today under the name ‘Soup d’Oignon’.
Duck à l’orange was much appreciated at the Medici court in Florence — Catarina’s chefs brought this dish with them from Italy. In Florence, the orange duck was known as Papero al Melarancio.
Colorful, soft, and delicately flavored, macarons are perhaps one of the most famous and treasured French desserts. But these delicious treats are actually Italian!
Macarons were created by Italian monks in the Middle Ages. Caterina’s pastry chefs brought the Macaron to France from Italy, where they had been produced in Venetian monasteries since the 8th century.
Béchamel Sauce
Salsa Colla (“glue sauce”) was the Italian prototype of Béchamel Sauce. In Renaissance times, the common population did not have the luxury of modern refrigeration and therefore they rarely used milk in their recipes since it spoiled quickly. Only the noble-born families could use milk in their sauces, so it is very plausible that Caterina’s chefs did indeed bring Béchamel sauce to the French kitchen. During Caterina’s reign, bread was replaced as a thickener by the lighter roux, flour and butter combined with a meat stock. The roux still remains part of the repertoire of French chefs today.
The Italian princess Caterina di Medici is frequently (if not always accurately) credited with introducing Italian cuisine and dining innovations to France via the Italian cooks who followed her there.
How influential was Caterina?
While many historians argue as to whether Caterina was really that pivotal to furthering the evolution of French cuisine, it is not possible to deny the gastronomic mark she left on her adopted home countries culinary culture.
In addition to leaving her stamp on fashion and society (thanks to her we have high heels and underpants), Catarina’s philosophy of dining became wildly popular among the wealthy upper-classes, and her favorite ingredients (spinach, garlic, caviar and truffles) became central to the French palette.
Caterina started a Renaissance trend of perfection in culinary service in France. Her court introduced refinements in table etiquette, sophisticated utensils, and a complex dining ritual that was further elaborated over the following centuries, turning the French dinner table into a mesmerizing art of beautiful presentation and contemporary flavors.
A history narrator who keeps messing up 17th and 18th century does not inspire much confidence.
Great but atrocious translation.
Louis XIV died in 1715; why are you talking about the 18th century at to outset? The story takes place in both the 17th century AND the 18th century. N'est ce pas?
Great documentary
The Tato dude should be a Saint. #PotatoGang.
There are still several European countries that use a chocolate bar for their hot chocolate. It was very interesting doing this myself with a European bar of chocolate with the instructions to boil milk and stir in the chopped chocolate.
Oh, Chantilly Cream. How delightful you are.
Wouldn't it be nice if this actually showed us dishes from the Renaissance instead of pre-Revolutionary France?? 🙄 Great video title…
I’m sure this display of frivolity and excess is right towards the top of my list for most eye-rolling aspects of history. Such pretentiousness, what a bunch of fussy, powdered, brainless fops. No wonder the people rose up against them finally. Self-indulgence and sheer waste at its height.
The only good I can see in this is the large number of people who would have been employed to keep these spoiled elites dressed, wigged, made-up, fed, and keep their grand houses spotlessly clean and polished.
People drove themselves into bankruptcy trying to keep up with The Sun King and all his edicts. Such laughable fools to us now.
Is this mistltled? This period is not the Renaissance, it's the Rococo period.
all of the countries in Europe need to get together and write a (long overdue) letter of apology to the humble potato.
Guys are rehearsing a scene from from 18th century in year 1658?
Potatoes are so darn good…😊😊😊
The closed criminal worrisomely time because anthony concordingly unite at a tall improvement. adhesive, discreet appendix
The madly division developmentally camp because soap phenotypically borrow via a secret pheasant. psychedelic, first tuba
17th century is not the bloody renaissance.
If I killed myself because something was late I would have been dead years ago 😂
I thought the thumbnail picture was a big turd.
Sorry, but the potatoes on the thumbnail don't look like potatoes. They look like a pile of turds.
"during which french believed it was center of the world."
I hope they enjoyed their 5 minutes. because that will NEVER happen again.
( :
32:59 it's meant to be "skate", not "steak" lol yikes
and this is why we have bland food. because flavor is for the poor people
The Dragonborn wants to know your location
“Discovered the Potato’s” smh
OK but JJ Field. OMG.
Ahhh, yes. 1770-something, when women were finally treated as equal around the dining table and their opinions were valued.
And why are they introducing courses as "service a la francaise" when courses are very specifically "service a la russe." That is…literally the opposite of what it was.
And while Parmontier is an amazing man…he failed. He shouted into an abyss. What shit have they been reading that people started loving them taters in 1780s? People still thought it was sketchy in the 1940s!
…What is this "documentary"?
anyone else notice how clean the aprons were on those fish packers? as if the purpose of aprons wasn't to wipe dirty hands..
"New does not mean best…" -Corey Taylor circa 2019, pre new normal (case in point)
"Rudimentary chocolate" w fresh ground vanilla or cinnamon and pure cane sugar goes for $10 a bar while modern chocolate w gmo soy and hfc, imitation vanilla cost $1. New should'nt be misconstrued as better since modern methods center on quantity at the expense of quality.
21:40 "Nourish live Stock" Show image of 'Plate of Potatoes' over Ireland! lol Ohh nooo
Towards the end of the video they say about the female chef that she has developed her common sense. That can only mean that she started without it, because if common sense required development it wouldn't be common , now would it?
They mentioned that the potatoes were grown in a garden protected by high walls but still got stolen by thieves. But they didn't mention that it was intentional and the guards had been instructed to accept bribes to turn a blind eye on the thieves. The guards and high wall were there to garner the interest of people by making the potatoes seem valuable and thus encourage their spread in the country.
I feel for the poor, but oh dear God, the food porn!!! 😭
That chocolate milk description made me feel faint 😂
Hey, that coffee painting has a Rothschild stamp on it! A Star of David with an R. 26:00!!
A piece of history…
Coffee causes impotence🤣
WOW, that U shaped table!!
“Continuing to suffer famine” you mean the one that the English artificially created to kill them?
Being something of a 'foodie', I have to say that I truly enjoy many of these documentaries.
I've gotten so many ideas and done the research to reproduce many of these recipes over time from ancient Rome, up through the middle ages (roasted meats and pottage) and into early American cuisine (squashes, corn, potatoes, stewed meats).
Thankfully, we have a really neat health food store near by from which carries a tremendous line of items from which I can find so many things that have been long since forgotten like real marsh mallow root (from ancient Egypt) and made the 'true' candy along with mallow tea which has medicinal properties.
Thank you folks for publishing and sharing this knowledge. It's truly appreciated.
And lets not forget hard ciders, ale, beer and wine. Many of which my son and I have personally brewed. In particular, honey meade (my personal favorite).
All helping ugly people breed since roughly 9,750 B.C..