يمكنك الوصول إلى مواردي المجانية – يمكن أن يكون للاستحمام البارد بعض الفوائد الصحية المذهلة – مما يدل على سبب تناول الاستحمام البارد يوميًا. 0:00 مقدمة: ما يحدث بعد 14 يومًا من الاستحمام البارد 0:50 ، الفوائد العشرة لأخذ الاستحمام البارد 8:05 كيفية التراجع إلى الاستحمام البارد 9:00 الوجبات السريعة 10:22 ، شكرًا على المشاهدة في هذا الفيديو ، سنتحدث عن العلاج بالتبريد ، والمعروف أيضًا باسم العلاج البارد – وما يحدث لك بعد 14 يومًا من الاستيلاء البارد. ألقِ نظرة على هذه الفوائد العشرة المذهلة لأخذ الاستحمام البارد. 1. يعزز وظيفة الجهاز المناعي • يزيد من الخلايا الأحادية • يزيد من الخلايا اللمفاوية • يزيد من الخلايا التائية الخلايا المقيدة • يزيد من خلايا المسموع T-supressor 2. 4. يزيد من حساسية الأنسولين 5. يقلل الالتهاب 6. يعزز مضادات الأكسدة 7. له تأثيرات الحماية العصبية 8. يحسن طول العمر ويعزز الالتهام الذاتي 9. من 5 إلى 10 دقائق من المثير للاهتمام ، يمكن أن تسخن درجات الحرارة الباردة درجات الحرارة الأساسية ، في حين أن درجات الحرارة الساخنة يمكن أن تهدئة درجة حرارتك الأساسية. حاول تناول الاستحمام البارد لمدة 14 يومًا ومعرفة ما إذا كنت تواجه بعض هذه الفوائد الصحية المذهلة. الدكتور إريك بيرج دي سي بيو: الدكتور بيرج ، 57 عامًا ، هو مقوم العظام المتخصص في الصيام الصحيح والصيام المتقطع. وهو مؤلف كتاب The Healthy Keto Plan ، وهو مدير Dr. Berg Nutritionals. لم يعد يمارس ، لكنه يركز على التثقيف الصحي من خلال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: إخلاء المسئولية: حصل الدكتور إريك بيرج على درجة الدكتوراه في العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري من كلية بالمر لعملية العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري في عام 1988. استخدامه لـ “Doctor” أو “Dr.” فيما يتعلق بنفسه يشير فقط إلى هذه الدرجة. الدكتور بيرج هو مقوم العظام المرخص في فرجينيا ، كاليفورنيا ، ولويزيانا ، لكنه لم يعد يمارس العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري في أي ولاية ولا يرى المرضى حتى يتمكن من التركيز على تثقيف الناس كنشاط بدوام كامل ، لكنه يحافظ على ترخيص نشط. هذا الفيديو مخصص لأغراض إعلامية عامة فقط. لا ينبغي استخدامه للتشخيص الذاتي وليس بديلاً عن الفحص الطبي ، والعلاج ، والعلاج ، والتشخيص ، والوصفات الطبية أو التوصية. لا يخلق علاقة الطبيب والمريض بين الدكتور بيرج وأنت. يجب ألا تحدث أي تغيير في نظامك الصحي أو النظام الغذائي قبل استشارة الطبيب أولاً والحصول على فحص طبي وتشخيص وتوصية. ابحث دائمًا عن نصيحة الطبيب أو غيره من مقدمي الصحة المؤهل مع أي أسئلة قد تكون لديكم فيما يتعلق بحالة طبية. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #KetOlifestyle شكرًا على المشاهدة. آمل أن يكون هذا ساعد في شرح فوائد الاستحمام البارد والعلاج بالتبريد. سأراك في الفيديو التالي. |عرب اورج
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46 تعليق
Glad this popped up in my recommended videos this morning. Been doing cold showers for a couple years now but recently been sort of giving up on them. They're not a miracle cure for anything as far as i can tell but i also think there are some benefits that dr. Berg mentions here.
Taking Cold Shower’s Improved Nothing For No One’s Health
This Study Was Done By Only 7% Of The U.S. Population. And Half Didn’t Improve Any Health Status.
Ice bath is addicting. Always tempt me to sleep in the ice water 🤣🤣 I know too much is bad but it just feels so good.
Bro, cold showers and saunas made it so that I wasnt ill at all this fall and winter! Bonkers.
Do you take yourself cold showers dr?
Ok, i will start today. I am scared, but i really need to try it to belive it
I don’t know why people still believe
It makes me feel alive. It puts me in the present moment and makes me feel young again!
Another benefit is that it drastically cuts down how long my showers take
Taking cold showers every day is very difficult thing to force yourself to do but it's so worth it. I've done it for about 4-5 years now and the difference is hard to put into words, if I miss a few days I almost always feel like something is missing and I'm not operating at 100%. Even standing in the cold at the end of your shower for a minute can make a huge difference in motivation and energy.
not even wim hof says do 5-10min. he says 2-3 min a day is enough
Cite your sources, Dr. Berg?
I can personally testify that cold showers can also help you quit porn addiction. I know it sounds crazy but I think taking cold showers helps you build your mental strength or will power. Making yourself uncomfortable every day with cold showers builds your capacity for resisting urges you would normally just give into.
Our body produces lot of heat every day…we should shower with cold water to cool down our body. How can our body dissipate excess heat if we bath with hot or warm water?
Laptop processor too generate lot of heat every minute…there is a fan to dissipate heat
Cold and hot therapy work when I get a fever, I locked myself in my room with the heater on and by the morning my fever and sickness are gone heat and cold therapy do make a difference and since I’ve been with cold showers, I have not gotten sick
when I was younger I would take cold showers when I had a headache. Didn’t know the science behind it, just knew it made my headache go away. I started taking regular daily cold showers about a year ago and then graduated to cold plunges. It’s amazing
i've been taking cold showers for 10 years. its the best thing you can do, its 100x better than coffee.
Ive done cold showers for the passed 3 months. Actually gained weight and didnt lose any. I have not been sick at all however.
I been taking cold showers for about 4 months, and let me tell you, it keeps you goinf.👍
OK, somebody tell me, if I get in a swimming pool at 65° every day for 15 minutes wouldn’t that equal out to a couple minutes into freezing water?
Great information. I guarantee that cold showers are life changing and when you’re drying off the warmth and vitality surges through your body
This is me. I guarantee you you will not have this experience after two weeks of cold showers. I’ve been sitting in ice water up to my neck every day for 10 minutes and 50° for the last two months. I am seeing some fat loss silly to say it will happen in two weeks, pipe Dream
I've been taking cold showers 2-3 × a day every day .
I quit drinking and smoking.
I have exercises 7 days a week now.
Cold showers has saved my life❤
Thank you Doctor Berg!
the Graphic is not the Truth !! in 15 days you never can get a body like this taking only cold Showers !!
It's all about shocking the body…. Cold showers are awesome…. 👍
Why are Eskimos chubby???
That shock you get when taking a cold shower
Thumbnail looks legit
Can a cold shower help after you workout your muscles in the gym
A doctor on here said that recent studies were done but the participants were immersed in cold water for an hour, or up to 3 hours, and then they got the 3,000 calories burned a day.
Brown better then white
Thanks a LOT sir. I'll try it.
Will this help bph?
I have varicose veins ie varicose insufficiency. They are quite juicy at the back of calf. Can I still take shoeed
Thank you for telling how to introduce your body to a cold shower. I just discovered the benefits of cold showers yesterday. I want to do them, but the thought of just jumping into a cold shower was a no go for me. But I’m sure I can do it the way you explained. Will start today! Thanks! Oh, and I have already changed my diet drastically!
Guys I won't lie…. I don't comment much on things.. pointless…. But this caught my interest… I only take cold showers… I don't pay the gas bill because it involves heating water up… I've been taking cold showers for 10 years if not longer… These videos leave no significance besides small minor things… Sad to say the sound of a drunk now.. so my point being is.. my experience is that you wake up all blah blah blah.. take a nice cold shower and you're going to feel very refreshed ease your way into the shower.. honestly if you put yourself in there all at once you will your body will go into a shock… All these dumb YouTube videos online don't tell you certain things but I'm too drunk to explain everything right now so I'll shut up but not everything meets up to the circumstances that's met up to these videos so f*** this s***.. it is nice and it does help. Better than warm water… But warm water cleans the body better
My penis is too small for cold showers
What about if I have sinusitis and rinitis?
I did cold turkey for Lent this year. 12 days in and I can say that it is amazing. The first day was absolutely brutal, the second day was worse (because of the anticipation for the suffer).
But each subsequent shower has gotten slightly better. 12 days in (and 18 showers), and I can finally walk in without a pep talk and now I embrace the cold suffering.
Why? Besides all the points Dr. Berg made.
Delayed gratification. It trains your mind to be more disciplined and to value delayed gratification. Instead of being hot and warm only to step out into the cold, you take a freezing cold shower and step out into relief. I smile and laugh a little every time it’s over.
I may never go back to heated showers.
Ive been taking cold showers for the last 4 years (not my choice at all) and i see no positive benefits at all.
I will listen to anything coming from Tony Hawk's mouth!