هذه الرسوم المتحركة ثلاثية الأبعاد هي لتعليم المريض على ربط النطاق المطاطي للبواسير الداخلية. البواسير هي جيوب من الأوعية الدموية المتورمة داخل فتحة الشرج. على الرغم من أنها يمكن أن تكون غير مريحة ، إلا أنها شائعة نسبيًا في البالغين. ربط شريط المطاط هو إجراء خارجي مريض يتكون من البواسير التي يتم ربطها في قاعدتها مع أشرطة مطاطية ، مما يقطع تدفق الدم إليه. يتم إنجاز الإجراء من قبل الطبيب الذي يقوم بإدخال أداة عرض (ANOSCOPT) في فتحة الشرج. ثم يتم استيعاب البواسير بالملقط ويضع الجهاز شريطًا مطاطيًا حول قاعدة البواسير. ثم يتقلص البواسير ويموت ، وفي حوالي أسبوع ، يسقط. لمزيد من المعلومات حول الرسوم المتحركة ثلاثية الأبعاد ، يرجى زيارة: |عرب اورج
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20 تعليق
I sitting in chair,or wall anyplace pain was coming.. please suggest medicine name
How much is this operation
I have hemorrhoids
Just did this about two hours ago. Not the most fun thing I’ve ever done. The actual procedure took 30 seconds. Almost no pain following it, but the feeling of wanting to poop is there.
I used to translate these procedures into medical codes, so i was curious how it actually looked lol
I had this done. I had a horrible experience! It’s more than discomfort! It’s pain , pressure and driving home I couldn’t sit on my butt! When I hit a bump the pain shot into my VJ! It’s different for everyone I guess. Oooouch 😢
геморрой это ослабли мышцы задницы см видео упражнение
I'll do it if i have to i just want to get rid of them 😭
Very little pain my ass (pun intended) I've been in pain for 3 days now just want this to be over
Just had this done ( no sedation ) had 4 banded and 1 polyp removed. I was able to get dressed and drive home 10 minutes after it was done. I would agree with most comments no pain just more discomfort and maybe abit embarrassing but you soon get over that once youve left.
The creams you get otc dont remove hemorrhoid they just shrink them best to go get them banded and they fall off.
Can you do it yourself? 🤷🏻♂️ or I have to see a doctor 🙈
I’d give yourself three days off after the procedure. It’s very uncomfortable. And you need to be near a toilet and perhaps a bath.
After the procedure, after a couple of months would it be safe to go back to heavy lifting such as squatting??
I remember when I had hemorrhoids 3 days after my 27th birthday in 2022. I didn’t know what was wrong and I was starting to freak out and thought it was cancer because cancer is very common in my family. I was at the urgent care and the nurses went over my symptoms and they said we will get the doctor and see what’s causing your problems because I told them that I thought it was cancer. I was just praying and praying to God that it wasn’t cancer. The doctor came back and she examined me down there and she immediately said that it wasn’t cancer, that it was a hemorrhoid and that she can see it on the outside. I was so happy and relieved it wasn’t cancer but I wanted to know how did I get this and they said well it could have been caused by something you likely ate. The doctor said it’s able to be treated and nothing to worry about. I was so happy and confused on how I got this hemorrhoid. I called my mom and she said that she needed to talk to me about it, well come to find out my dad had hemorrhoids in his 20s and that he suffered from them so bad to where he had to be in bedridden. My mom said the hemorrhoids were passed down to me and she was surprised I got them very late and i asked her why didn’t you tell me this and she said well I didn’t want you to freak out about it and I was like you could of just said this to me instead of making me have a cancer scare.
It was scary and I haven’t had any hemorrhoids in 2 years because I’ve had to change my eating habits.
hello every1 i need help
its my 3rd day of banding
1st 2 days no blood with poop but yes discomfort was there..
but after 2 days im bleeding wd poop 😢
I just had the banding procedure done yesterday. I felt slight discomfort, even when I had to poop. However I had trouble sleeping because of the pain. Hopefully after a few days, the pain will go down like the doctor said. But I can still walk around and do daily activities.
McClure Haven
Braun Fork
Lon Streets
My doctor didn’t do mine good I’m still feeling itching and burning after a week and half