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40 تعليق
🦷 Is it time to revamp your hygiene routine? 🪥 Get FREE access to the 5 must-have elements for an impeccable oral health routine here: https://bit.ly/free-oral-hygiene-routine-guide
I swear ive seen before where they were using lil pimple patches to heal as well as conceal with makeup
Ive literally have been getting them back to back for a few months now . Its annoying
She is cute
Is it like a wart, once the virus is in the body, it comes and goes time and time again. Some months it’s visible and some months it’s not?
I knew that butt hole looked weird
Valacyclovir. Mic drop.
Carmex always works on mine! Just OTC lip balm Carmex.
These comments crack me up, everyone has their own “way”…some say toothpaste, tomato paste, Vaseline, ice, essential oils, vinegar, and so many others 😅 I get these stupid things and nothing has helped so far!
How do we heal that mark or thin skin after these?? On that area
Cold sores andHSV is same?
Desitin worked for me. It was because of the zinc oxide
Twitchy talker 😐
I did not share foods. I didnt kiss someone..
Besides the DIY..
This is nonsense
I dont believe they contiguous
Is it dental hygiene related? Recently I had laser treatment for my gum. After 2 weeks, I got cold sores.
Haven’t had one in years but I’ve been overwhelmingly stressed lately. This experience has been horrible.
dr.akpamu on YouTube he cured me and my life and partner of genital warts with his herbal medication which I purchased. meds from YouTube .
I always got this when my body feels too cold. If I got fever, if winter is coming,
Its on my lips and its pissing me off
Y’all I’m so sad I never had one in my life I got one! But it’s in the center of my lip not corner 😭 it don’t hurt tho or burn or tingle lol. I been so stressed out moving and broke up with my boyfriend so it’s been so stressful recently
mu daughter just got one and now she is very scared to go to school i walked in on her crying because she did not want to get made fun of
Weirdly…. I tend to only get a cold sore after going to the dentist.
I only ever get these from eating out of the house. Just suddenly got one after eating a dunkin donuts egg and cheese. Sucks man. Almost never get these
When I get a cold sore I use toothpaste and it normally goes a way n a day!!! Thank you
I have a cold sore
I have use DMSO as soon as they appear, it stops the sores on it's tracks.
I have been getting cold sores my entire life. It’s usually always in the fall.
I occasionally get these when I feel the flu or cold coming. I don't get sick often so it happens like once or twice a year.
I have cold sore today
Intaking high sugar like a coke, eating high process carbs, or being dehydrated triggers my cold sores. I’ve noticed they are bigger when it’s triggered by sugar. I could go over a year without a flare up just by watching what I eat.
You look like my friend Kellee
Guys if you feel like its coming … Like you can feel it when its coming just apply some tomato sauce and it'll not grow in size… It'll just remain the same size and will vanish in about a week…. Very helpful… My personal experience…
I get them when I’m extremely stressed out.
I have a cold sore rn😢😢😢 pls pray for me!😊👏👏
Sometimes you can use warm compress, 3xs a day. With coconut oil and Tea-tree oil.
I have cold sores right know
I used to get cold sores a lot. I can’t talk on behalf of others but for me applying a thick moisturizer (such as cerave cream) all over the face every night before going to bed works like magic. Try this tip to prevent cold sores. , and yes please don’t kiss people who have active cold sores.
I have a cold sore right now and it's hurting me
Am wholeheartedly grateful to Dr. Osaoji on Youtube for his positive contribution towards my health. His medicine gave me the perfect answer to my health. He is the most reliable doctor i have meant with his good work will always speak for you