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24 تعليق
So many great quotes
This makes think of the cheese scene in 1998's Madeline
Oh gosh I nearly vomitted when the guy tried to slurp the dangly bit back in his mouth
why are the women less girly than the "guys"
😂😂😮.. Öppna burken.. I is vatten servera med is.. 😂😂😂❤✌️🇫🇴🇫🇴🇫🇴🦋😉🥨🤔🤫☕🤠👋👻
Bro said smegma.
Dangerous smelling can
Gay dude had to go there. “Smells like foreskin!”
Wait till you taste ginamos,alamang,uyap,dayok etc. in pH 😂😂😂
this video still makes me laugh. that one dude gagging throughout and the black dudes reaction LMAO
2:50 took me out 😂😂😂
Who is watching in 2025
Those descriptions hahahahaha
"It's smells like foreskin." Dude wtf
"it's culturally sensitive" honestly you're allowed to make fun of swedes its fine
Still not as bad as rye bread.
I once brought a can home from North Sweden, to prank my friends. I brought it to a party and everybody was watching each other to find out who had farted, having a serious stomach problem. When they found out it was the tin can it was placed in the very back of their garden. Nobody ever felt tempted to taste it
Imagine going on a date after eating this along with durian soaked in garlic butter
Oh please, it’s not that bad (as a Swedish person) 😂
yo will neff was on buzzfeed?
fecal matters
Fermentation helps to preserve food, but this thing looks expired.
What happened to diversity. This cookie cutter group seems pretty homogenous to me, they're all "metro". Most Americans aren't.
Edit: There are supposed to be whole fish in there. You are supposed to gut and debone them.
Abbott elementary