Many more carbs and sugar there than protein bruv. I'll take boiled eggs, or some fish and a salad any day over this. Perhaps if skip the boiled eggs would do just a banana and a few manadarins..if trying to lose "weight".
P.S. Diet is deoendent on blood type. Hence you perhaps prefer oats, or other grains, although oats work ok for maybe all tho, so dunno ur blood type.
Imagine taking steroids and then giving fucking meal advice hahahahahaha. Actually sad. It's like you entering a child's race and telling them too buy new shoes to be faster
Ahahah Dude is like i m good at that, my personal opinion hé has money , this kind of snack is expansive….and finally this dude will go in coffin like all of us…..🎉🎉🎉
32 تعليق
I am not gona lie but the tattoos look wack especially in the fingers.
That isn't eating clean 😕
Now show the roids champ😂
Recette précise please🙏🙏🥰🤤
Full of yourself ay
Te faltó poner 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉
Many more carbs and sugar there than protein bruv. I'll take boiled eggs, or some fish and a salad any day over this. Perhaps if skip the boiled eggs would do just a banana and a few manadarins..if trying to lose "weight".
P.S. Diet is deoendent on blood type. Hence you perhaps prefer oats, or other grains, although oats work ok for maybe all tho, so dunno ur blood type.
Dickerson you are the snack…maybe the whole meal..
😊 just saying..
Thought the balls were stuffing
Wash it all down with a nice jab of avatar tren and tes😂
What a sad life to live as a man
Imagine taking steroids and then giving fucking meal advice hahahahahaha. Actually sad. It's like you entering a child's race and telling them too buy new shoes to be faster
That's just ridiculously not necessary 🫤
خیلی دمت گرم ❤
Ahahah Dude is like i m good at that, my personal opinion hé has money , this kind of snack is expansive….and finally this dude will go in coffin like all of us…..🎉🎉🎉
💉 забыл
What's with the fruityness, feminine guy!!!
You inject the needle before or After breakfast? 💉
Подскажите как называется его причёска?
Just drink a shake??
Should toast those whole oats before using them, it'll improve the texture a lot
His muscles are not from a healthy diet. He is supported by TRT which has nothing to do with the athlete's healthy lifestyle.
Perfect Food and 👌👌💪👊👍👋body
Filled with stenozolo
Oats are bad for humans
Looks dry as a fart
All that protein and still a complete fanny
A good pastasciutta no ?😊
Он итальянец?
The whey and peanut butter work wonders…