احصل على الوصول إلى مواردي المجانية 👉 سنتحدث اليوم عن فوائد الاستحمام البارد. لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذا الموضوع، راجع المقال كاملاً على الموقع: ➡️ لماذا تأخذ الحمام البارد؟ كل هذا يتعلق بشيء يسمى العلاج بالتبريد أو العلاج البارد. ويستند هذا المفهوم على الهرمونات. مع الهرمون، ما تفعله هو إضافة قدر معتدل من التوتر لخلق تأثير مفيد. من خلال أخذ حمام بارد لمدة 20 دقيقة، يمكنك زيادة إفراز النورإبينفرين بنسبة 200-300%. عندما تقوم بزيادة هذا الناقل العصبي، يمكنك: • تقليل الالتهاب • زيادة شبكة مضادات الأكسدة (بما في ذلك الجلوتاثيون) • زيادة الميتوكوندريا لديك • زيادة الخلايا التائية لديك كيفية الاستحمام البارد للحصول على فوائد الاستحمام البارد: ابدأ بـ 30 ثانية ربما أو دقيقة، وقم بزيادة الوقت الذي تقضيه في الحمام البارد تدريجيًا مع مرور الوقت. 7 فوائد للاستحمام البارد: 1. تقليل آلام العضلات 2. تقليل آلام المفاصل 3. تسريع عملية الشفاء 4. تقليل الالتهاب 5. زيادة الوظيفة الإدراكية 6. تحسين الحالة المزاجية 7. زيادة التمثيل الغذائي دكتور إريك بيرج دي سي بيو: دكتور بيرج، 56 عامًا يبلغ من العمر معالجًا لتقويم العمود الفقري متخصصًا في الكيتوزية الصحية والصيام المتقطع. وهو مؤلف كتاب “دليل نوع الجسم الجديد” وكتب أخرى نشرتها دار النشر KB. قام بتدريس التغذية للطلاب كأستاذ مساعد في جامعة هوارد. لم يعد يمارس المهنة، بل يركز على التثقيف الصحي عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. دكتور. متجر بيرج: تابعنا على الفيسبوك: fb.me/DrEricBerg حول د. بيرج: إخلاء المسؤولية: حصل الدكتور إريك بيرج على درجة الدكتوراه في العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري من كلية بالمر لتقويم العمود الفقري في عام 1988. وكان استخدامه لكلمة “دكتور” أو “دكتور”. فيما يتعلق بنفسه يشير فقط إلى تلك الدرجة. الدكتور بيرج هو معالج تقويم العمود الفقري مرخص في فيرجينيا وكاليفورنيا ولويزيانا، لكنه لم يعد يمارس العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري في أي ولاية ولا يرى المرضى حتى يتمكن من التركيز على تثقيف الناس كنشاط بدوام كامل، ومع ذلك فهو يحتفظ بترخيص نشط. هذا الفيديو هو لأغراض إعلامية عامة فقط. لا ينبغي استخدامه للتشخيص الذاتي ولا يعد بديلاً عن الفحص الطبي أو العلاج أو العلاج أو التشخيص أو الوصفة الطبية أو التوصية. لا يخلق هذا علاقة بين الطبيب والمريض بينك وبين الدكتور بيرج. يجب عليك عدم إجراء أي تغيير في نظامك الصحي أو نظامك الغذائي قبل استشارة الطبيب أولاً والحصول على الفحص الطبي والتشخيص والتوصية. اطلب دائمًا مشورة الطبيب أو غيره من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية المؤهلين بشأن أي أسئلة قد تكون لديك بخصوص حالة طبية. |عرب اورج
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47 تعليق
I only take cold showers, 1 before going to bed and 1 in the morning when I come out off my outside, not heated, Swimmingpool. This all year round. In winter it's a bit hard, but so helpfull for everything in your body and mind! Cheers from France
I’ve been doing this now and I feel as though it helps me adapt to the cold better because it’s much colder inside the shower than outside.
Hot water heater broke so we had no chance but to rough it until we could get another one installed,, I noticed it stopped a migraine
I take cold showers in the morning. I feel it to therapeutic on my body, and helps me to wake up!
Can soaking torn skin in cold water accelerate the healing process?
I was really hoping you’d say 10 seconds to start. Damn lol
I take a cold shower when I'm hungover, it helps for sure.
Water heater went out a week ago and having local city ordinance issues getting a new one and everyone I call is not in our service area. I have struggled with trying to get a shower in so I decided to use my separate bath tub instead. I fill the tub with a couple of inches of water and use a rag with soap and then a rag without to rinse. Takes me a bit to fully rinse but I have been getting used to it. I then wash my hair after getting out of the bath with the sprayer and washing my hair has been easier. My hair is even looking better and more shiny.
I read chryochamber as 'Hamburger'
Cold shower hurts
I'm a old school military guy with many static line and HALO jumps and now I have lots of back/knee and joint pain and cold water therapy really helps with the sore muscles and joints sounds crazy but it does work I try to spend 5 to 10 minutes a day in the water outside even in Dec and Jan. Plus I sleep a lot better now.
Too bad cold shower causes heart attacks, other than that it's great
20 mins!!! You’re joking. I can’t even handle a minute 😳
I started taking cold shower every day and after about 4 days I've gotten use to them that now im able to just dive right in without hesitation.
Cold showers are excellent for excema skin, added bonus if you rub moisturiser all over your body whilst still wet and then air dry. Better than any doctors steroid creams.
Mu showers are only a couple minutes. I've started taking cold showers, i take a couple minutes to get acclimated and then I'm good. Even so i don't really spend more than about 7 minutes. I can't see spending 20 minutes.
I cant stand cold showers. But I recently rennovated my bathroom and added a tankless hot water heater. It was missing part so I had to return it and waited 2 weeks. Cold showers were unbearable at first but then I was noticing less joint pain…more mental clarity…more alertness and more restfull sleep…my skin even felt firmer….its like I had a metabolic reset as well…lost 7 lbs within 3 weeks eating all the same foods and very little exercise. Now I take cold showers am and pm. It help to soap up with warm water and then a long rinse head to toe with cold cold water. Have a towel near by in case of a draft.
I do 3 minutes every morning.
@Dr. Eric Berg DC thank you my friend.
20 minutes in the shower??
Dr. What can you say abot wim hof methond, please make a vlog
I am Catholic and I take cold showers for Lent
I treat my RLS (restless leg syndrome) with a cold shower(wash I'd say) I use some ice in a bucket of water and pour it on my body. It is the best solution and helps me sleep a lot more comfy
I took cold shower for 3 days i started smile , boosts my energy , i was feeling tired by 7 pm , no till 11 pm i dont feel tiredness like before .
20 minutes? Not 2?
20mins per cold shower per day??
Hi I just started trying this as a therapy to reduce my stress levels and hopefully reset my body. I do feel better somehow already so whatever the benefits are i’m in!
I remember as a kid spending the day at the ocean in MA. Coldest friggin water. Totally numbing. But as kids we would jump about, in and out. I knew then it made us burn more calories because I was always FAMISHED [on the beach days] .. got keep that core at a temp, and need more calories. &&& I would imagine for thousands of years we would outside getting eggs, water, mucking stalls, doing laundry, etc., we were use to contrast situations. Now many people have a thermostat set, and sitting in a chair or standing in controlled environments etc 🙁
20 minutes ? nah
what is cold shower.. what temperature.. we have water at room temperature 25 degrees C
Cold water exposure gets easier the more you do it, in Wim Hofs book he reccomends starting with just 15 seconds for the first week per day then increase if you really don like it at first.
I still hesitate a little despite being used it now but once im in for a minute or two i love it… my balls haven't adjusted yet though
He just say 20min cold shower ?
I start and end my showers as cold as it gets. I haven't timed it but i think 3 minutes would be a good place to start
I do ice cold showers every day but only for one or two minutes and have experienced great benefit in terms of mood; experiencing a general well being for hours after. I am completely addicted to a cold shower and no longer take any warm showers. For the first time in a very long time I am not experiencing mood swings or depressive lows. I would highly suggest this therapy to reduce anxiety, tiredness or feelings of depression. I think you do a great service on this channel…thank you.
excellent thanks..yes i've been doing it daily for 3 weeks and have gone from screaming to wondering if my water is on "cold" because it has begun to feel warmer…
So once you're fully adapted do you need to do 20 minutes of cold shower daily? I've been doing 5 minutes, is that long enough or do I need to do 20?
I am back at taking cold showers after starting and stopping , the thought of hot showers is a deffo NO , cold showers are where it’s at , exhilaration is amazing . My skin is better less dry , who needs hot when you can have ❄️🌊🤭
Doctor i keep getting a bad cold doing this cold shower thing ?
Cant stand to be cold….but in the summer I will turn hot water off and rinse off in cooler water, but not cold………lol
Thank you:)I’ve done it when I felt depressed one time over the holidays and I was fairly functional but my skin wasn’t that good at that time
after doing cold showers I feel 1) my skin gets smoother/tighter 2) hair less dryer more shinier 3) blood shot eyes lol 4) less fatigue after workout or long day at work 5) saves lots of time and cold showers are shorter lol
I used to get cold feet at night and would have to use a hot water bottle or wear socks to get my feet warm. I have been taking a cold shower every day for a few weeks and I no longer have the problem with cold feet. It has also reduced my anxiety and I think it has made me more resilient. I don’t think I will ever go back to hot showers.
This month October 2023 starts my second year of nothing but cold showers.
I would like to ask Dr. Berg or anyone in the comments about the strange feeling in the heart. I thought it was an increase in the heart rate, but it is not. I feel that my heart is working like crazy to the point that I cannot sleep quickly. What is the reason, I wonder? Note that the way I do it is as follows: I drink coffee early in the morning, then run for half an hour, then take a cold shower
Would a cold swim qualify
Does it have to be 20 minutes? I live in a drought prone country where we are encouraged to keep showers short.
I have fell in love with cold shower y’all since 2020 during Covid and it helped me a lot to stay strong mentally with all the crisis that was going on and lock down y’all know what I am talking about so yeah I love it!! Try to take it in the mornings you simply feel superpower for the whole day