الجيل القادم من الذكاء الاصطناعي من جوجل | gemini ai في هذا الفيديو سنتحدث بالتفصيل عن نموذج الذكاء الاصطناعي الجديد من جوجل وهو Google Gemini AI وهو تطور عظيم ورهيب جداً #الذكاء_الاصطناعي #علي_شاهين —— إذا أردت أن تعرف أكثر عن الدورات التي أقدمها شاهد هذه الفيديوهات 1-. دبلومة برمجة تطبيقات الجوال الاحترافية دبلومة برمجة تطبيقات الويب 3- اختبار تحليل الشخصية الاحترافي دورة جافا سكريبت باستخدام Angler دورة الذكاء العاطفي وعلم الألوان 4- دورة C++ —– إذا كنت تريد تعلم البرمجة من الصفر ولا تعرف كيف تبدأ فهذه الفيديوهات ستكون مفيدة لك جدًا —— 1- مقدمة في البرمجة 2- مراحل تعلم البرمجة 3- أفضل 5 لغات برمجة في 2020 4- كيف تكون مبرمج .NET 5- أفضل 5 مجالات في 2020 6- ماذا تفعل بعد تعلم البرمجة 7- تعلم البرمجة بدون شهادة 8- مسار تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الجوال 9- مسار تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الويب 10- مجال اختبار البرمجيات 11- مجال الأمن السيبراني 12- خارطة طريق تعلم الأمن السيبراني —— للتواصل معي أكثر عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الموقع الالكتروني www.alishahin.net مجموعة التليجرام فيسبوك مجموعتي الخاصة على الفيسبوك تويتر alishahin8811 انستجرام لينكدإن
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46 تعليق
عاملة زي Google
أنا لما بغيب مبغبش كدا أونطه , أنا بغيب عشان أفنن عشان أرسم عشان أخطط أنا شغلتي شغلت مزاق يا أساتزه مش لعب عيال .😂😂😂
نطقك للانجليزي غير صحيح واوفر جدا … حاول تنطق بشكل ابسط من كدة
ماشاء الله
gemini ai
2:06 العضمة لله وحده 🍉🍉🍉
2:06 العضمة لله وحده 🍉🍉🍉
صورة خلفية الفيديو
It is clear that the financial and economic forces of the world, especially monopolistic ones, no longer find a solution and a way out to worsen the crisis of the global economy and its approach to collapse after the era of the control of that economic fascism that called itself neoliberal to deceive everyone at the hands of thugs such as Friedman and the Chicago School hired by the forces of money to escape the headband to savage them away from the controls and the only solution in front of them is the old solution Igniting war and wars to restructure and take off the global economy and export its crisis to a war whose fuel goes to humans instead of revolution Them
BRICS' great opportunity to change humanity for social justice and eliminate monopoly and imperialist exploitation of the dollar and its gang, especially India, China and Latin America, lies in the largest labor energy in the world, which will attract others and will be accepted, welcomed and loved by all societies of the world, including the West and America, with a completely new and modern proposal away from paper and electronic money
The chance of China, BRICS and its members is impossible with the idea of the entire monetary union or even in the idea of cash they will inevitably be the loser Their chance lies in the largest labor energy in the world which will attract others and will be accepted and welcomed and loved by all societies of the world including the West and America
India, China and Latin America, with their population size and the immensity of Russia's resources, and other members will open up prospects for them with something else that will change the economy and the world forever.
The biggest benefit of AI capabilities is not war but economics by digitally calculating the value of work as a medium of exchange placed in the balance of the value maker instead of digital currency and real currency
In my opinion we need to get rid of the idea of criticism
Always diabolical dualism with criticism in general as a means of regulating exchange, inflation and overcrowding, it is always clear that a reasonable degree of socio-economic justice has become everyone's conviction that it is impossible, socialism has failed to solve it, taxes have failed to solve it, unions have failed, neoliberal economics have failed to obtain it, and we say a reasonable degree, at least, as did Keynes and the undisciplined money ogres who manipulate the authorities, law-making, tax haven paradises, fraud…….
They have become overlapping states, so here I come back and ask my question, does it carry the prospects of the solution to return to value, not cash and securities?
The greatest benefit to the capabilities of artificial intelligence is not war but economics by calculating the value of work digitally as a medium of exchange placed in the balance of the value maker instead of digital currency and real currency
This is an opportunity, perhaps, for the powers that want to get rid of the dollar, such as China, Russia, and even Europe, or for promising emerging powers such as India, or technologically advanced powers such as Taiwan, Japan, or South Korea, and I focus on India first and then China, because it is their invaluable opportunity.
Unless America precedes everyone and does this trick, and it is the strongest of all, depending on the degree of its pragmatism, the loss of the SWIFT system and the dominance of the dollar is a very difficult step
The best way to get rid of the curse of currencies, including the dollar, disasters, collapses, the monopoly of financial ghouls, crises and wars Scientific and technical development in general opens up horizons that did not exist in areas that no one has touched on before, it develops work and elevates it My humble opinion is that the economic system and the mechanisms of its employment and directing this development and the speed of its response to it is the key I want to repeat my presentation under my main name on the site of civilized dialogue and its foundations The best benefit we can get through artificial intelligence To calculate the value through a single measurement, scientists know the value just like the units of measurement in the ISO system such as meters, joules, watts, pascals, volts, amperes, newtons, kilograms, bits….. And blockchain technology to manage its circulation and get rid of the concept of currency to get rid of the currency curse
The idea of expressing value without currency proposed by Marx and Robert Owen Marx's idea was theoretical and mathematical, but Owen's idea was more practical with what he called units of measurement of work, but they had practical difficulty calculating it. I searched a lot for who studied value, and I came up with the idea of measuring value with a single measure that economists know, and we use artificial intelligence to calculate and manage it with blockchain technology used by electronic currency designers. This scientific aspect we owe to its creators, but of course we don't want it for digital currency because it is a new monopolistic tool that we want to share its value. I did not know that Marx and Owen had actually proposed the idea until after reading this by chance that this encourages us to lay a foundation from which to proceed, starting with the idea of this single criterion of the value of work for Owen and Marx, and then developing or modifying it according to the results of studies.
Value in one way is a measured measured by neural networks and fuzzy logic in artificial intelligence through dynamic weighting and adjustment processes that can enter social values, the amount of need, the degree of interest, creativity, energy and effort…….
Yes, we can calculate the value thanks to this technological development, unlike in the era of Marx and Owen. We can position it as a clearly defined tool. We call it, for example, WorkCoin or ValueCoin ….. And define it (a value that needs such and such work and energy with this degree of creativity, with this degree of benefit, with this degree of need, with this degree of social interest and demand for such and such with the possibility of such and such destruction or such and such damage……………
Similar to the definition of any one measurement such as a calora (is the amount of energy that raises the temperature of a gram of pure water by one degree Celsius)
The value calculated by a network of independent platforms managed by blockchain technology and calculated by ISO metrics and units of measurement is converted into a digital balance of these units for each individual or organization as well as any good, service or… They are measured by platform networks and value is placed in the same units and thus these goods and services can be provided and… For the individual or institution and the corresponding units are removed from the balance of the individual or institution that obtained the good or service or …
The basis for appreciating humanitarian action in a relatively acceptable approximation is the rankings of research and discovery degrees at award-giving institutions such as the Nobel Committee or prestigious scientific academies such as the Massasusetch Institute, Harvard, Cambridge… Educational institutions, as well as sports club institutions, are in-depth and have rich experience in evaluating the value of work and even military and intelligence institutions, regardless of opinion, but they have very rich evaluation experiences that can be used as a basis for us to launch.
It has a great practical example, such as the application of Softcoin in America through the mobile, where it measures the energy exerted by the person, calculates it, and converts it into units or coins that are spent in return for dollars
Of course, the last stage we do not want, we want these units, for example, it is the means of exchange, not the dollar, the euro, the pound, or….
This is applied even in electronic games about football and various sports, and even in other military and educational games……
From my article in the Modern Disscussion website in Arabic :
الربط العضوي بين الديمقراطية الليبرالية بكل عظمتها مع فاشية اقتصادية متوحشة جشعة وشريرة منحطة وعديمة الأخلاق وهي الرأسمالية المتوحشة هو سبب أزمة الديمقراطية وعودة الديكتاتوريات والفاشيات الدينية والشعبوية
The same Article in the Modern Disscussion website in english:
The organic link between liberal democracy in all its greatness and a savage, greedy, evil, decadent and immoral economic fascism, namely savage capitalism, is the cause of the crisis of democracy and the return of dictatorships, religious fascists and populism
My article on the Kalamco website is entitled:أمريكا تحتاج لنقلة لتسترجع ثقة البشرية وهي قادرة على ذلك
فاشل جدا بمقارنه chatbot خاص باوبناي
خرج لهم كلود 3 من شركة انثروبيك و وجه لهم الضربة القاضية جميعا، حاليا اقوى ذكاء اصطناعي في العالم هو كلود 3
It is clear that the financial and economic forces of the world, especially monopolistic ones, no longer find a solution and a way out to worsen the crisis of the global economy and its approach to collapse after the era of the control of that economic fascism that called itself neoliberal to deceive everyone at the hands of thugs such as Friedman and the Chicago School hired by the forces of money to escape the headband to savage them away from the controls and the only solution in front of them is the old solution Igniting war and wars to restructure and take off the global economy and export its crisis to a war whose fuel goes to humans instead of revolution Them
BRICS' great opportunity to change humanity for social justice and eliminate monopoly and imperialist exploitation of the dollar and its gang, especially India, China and Latin America, lies in the largest labor energy in the world, which will attract others and will be accepted, welcomed and loved by all societies of the world, including the West and America, with a completely new and modern proposal away from paper and electronic money
The chance of China, BRICS and its members is impossible with the idea of the entire monetary union or even in the idea of cash they will inevitably be the loser Their chance lies in the largest labor energy in the world which will attract others and will be accepted and welcomed and loved by all societies of the world including the West and America
India, China and Latin America, with their population size and the immensity of Russia's resources, and other members will open up prospects for them with something else that will change the economy and the world forever.
The biggest benefit of AI capabilities is not war but economics by digitally calculating the value of work as a medium of exchange placed in the balance of the value maker instead of digital currency and real currency
In my opinion we need to get rid of the idea of criticism
Always diabolical dualism with criticism in general as a means of regulating exchange, inflation and overcrowding, it is always clear that a reasonable degree of socio-economic justice has become everyone's conviction that it is impossible, socialism has failed to solve it, taxes have failed to solve it, unions have failed, neoliberal economics have failed to obtain it, and we say a reasonable degree, at least, as did Keynes and the undisciplined money ogres who manipulate the authorities, law-making, tax haven paradises, fraud…….
They have become overlapping states, so here I come back and ask my question, does it carry the prospects of the solution to return to value, not cash and securities?
The greatest benefit to the capabilities of artificial intelligence is not war but economics by calculating the value of work digitally as a medium of exchange placed in the balance of the value maker instead of digital currency and real currency
This is an opportunity, perhaps, for the powers that want to get rid of the dollar, such as China, Russia, and even Europe, or for promising emerging powers such as India, or technologically advanced powers such as Taiwan, Japan, or South Korea, and I focus on India first and then China, because it is their invaluable opportunity.
Unless America precedes everyone and does this trick, and it is the strongest of all, depending on the degree of its pragmatism, the loss of the SWIFT system and the dominance of the dollar is a very difficult step
The best way to get rid of the curse of currencies, including the dollar, disasters, collapses, the monopoly of financial ghouls, crises and wars Scientific and technical development in general opens up horizons that did not exist in areas that no one has touched on before, it develops work and elevates it My humble opinion is that the economic system and the mechanisms of its employment and directing this development and the speed of its response to it is the key I want to repeat my presentation under my main name on the site of civilized dialogue and its foundations The best benefit we can get through artificial intelligence To calculate the value through a single measurement, scientists know the value just like the units of measurement in the ISO system such as meters, joules, watts, pascals, volts, amperes, newtons, kilograms, bits….. And blockchain technology to manage its circulation and get rid of the concept of currency to get rid of the currency curse
The idea of expressing value without currency proposed by Marx and Robert Owen Marx's idea was theoretical and mathematical, but Owen's idea was more practical with what he called units of measurement of work, but they had practical difficulty calculating it. I searched a lot for who studied value, and I came up with the idea of measuring value with a single measure that economists know, and we use artificial intelligence to calculate and manage it with blockchain technology used by electronic currency designers. This scientific aspect we owe to its creators, but of course we don't want it for digital currency because it is a new monopolistic tool that we want to share its value. I did not know that Marx and Owen had actually proposed the idea until after reading this by chance that this encourages us to lay a foundation from which to proceed, starting with the idea of this single criterion of the value of work for Owen and Marx, and then developing or modifying it according to the results of studies.
Value in one way is a measured measured by neural networks and fuzzy logic in artificial intelligence through dynamic weighting and adjustment processes that can enter social values, the amount of need, the degree of interest, creativity, energy and effort…….
Yes, we can calculate the value thanks to this technological development, unlike in the era of Marx and Owen. We can position it as a clearly defined tool. We call it, for example, WorkCoin or ValueCoin ….. And define it (a value that needs such and such work and energy with this degree of creativity, with this degree of benefit, with this degree of need, with this degree of social interest and demand for such and such with the possibility of such and such destruction or such and such damage……………
Similar to the definition of any one measurement such as a calora (is the amount of energy that raises the temperature of a gram of pure water by one degree Celsius)
The value calculated by a network of independent platforms managed by blockchain technology and calculated by ISO metrics and units of measurement is converted into a digital balance of these units for each individual or organization as well as any good, service or… They are measured by platform networks and value is placed in the same units and thus these goods and services can be provided and… For the individual or institution and the corresponding units are removed from the balance of the individual or institution that obtained the good or service or …
The basis for appreciating humanitarian action in a relatively acceptable approximation is the rankings of research and discovery degrees at award-giving institutions such as the Nobel Committee or prestigious scientific academies such as the Massasusetch Institute, Harvard, Cambridge… Educational institutions, as well as sports club institutions, are in-depth and have rich experience in evaluating the value of work and even military and intelligence institutions, regardless of opinion, but they have very rich evaluation experiences that can be used as a basis for us to launch.
It has a great practical example, such as the application of Softcoin in America through the mobile, where it measures the energy exerted by the person, calculates it, and converts it into units or coins that are spent in return for dollars
Of course, the last stage we do not want, we want these units, for example, it is the means of exchange, not the dollar, the euro, the pound, or….
This is applied even in electronic games about football and various sports, and even in other military and educational games……
From my article in the Modern Disscussion website in Arabic :
الربط العضوي بين الديمقراطية الليبرالية بكل عظمتها مع فاشية اقتصادية متوحشة جشعة وشريرة منحطة وعديمة الأخلاق وهي الرأسمالية المتوحشة هو سبب أزمة الديمقراطية وعودة الديكتاتوريات والفاشيات الدينية والشعبوية
الرابط : https://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=759326
The same Article in the Modern Disscussion website in english:
The organic link between liberal democracy in all its greatness and a savage, greedy, evil, decadent and immoral economic fascism, namely savage capitalism, is the cause of the crisis of democracy and the return of dictatorships, religious fascists and populism
الرابط : https://www.ahewar.org/eng/show.art.asp?aid=3593
My article on the Kalamco website is entitled:أمريكا تحتاج لنقلة لتسترجع ثقة البشرية وهي قادرة على ذلك
الرابط: https://www.aklmko.com/…/-%d8%a3%d9%85%d8%b1%d9%8a%d9…/
كلامك في اخطاء .. incooding مش incuding
اريد الاتصال معك لمشروع الاستعمال للبروتين للتواصل البشري
هذا ليس ذكاء إصطناعي ولكن تكبير ذكاء الإنسان عبر هذه الوسائل
الذكاء الاصطناعي غير موجود لان الوسائل المذكورة ليست إلا برمجيات محتاجة لبيانات كبيرة.
انا بحب جدا فيديوهاتك لانها دسمه بالمعلومات وافكار مرتبه ماشاء الله عليك
خفف من المصطلحات الانجليزية شويه
ظهر ال Devin 😅
ياخبر كل ده واحنا قاعدين…لا صحة ولا تعليم ولا حتي نزرع خبرتنا.. ياخسارة.
تيكيست ؟؟😂
فيديوا جااامد والبرنامج دخلت عليه جااامد
احسنت ياهندسه 😍
وضعك وحشوك للميمز مش مناسب وبشتت التفكير ومش لائق عليك
شرحك جميل وبسيط ومعلوماتك قيمة
ماشاء الله عليك
نسأل الذكاء الاصطناعي هههه
انت مش حقيقي
انا وحده تعلمت البرمجه والذكاء الاصطناعي . وبعرف اصمم مواقع واعمل برزنتيش . والله يكرمك يا مستر علي 😊🙏 ويجعله في ميزان حسناتك
هو انا ممكن اشغله من مصر عادي ولا هو مبيشتغلش في مصر زي الشات جي بي تي ولا هو بفلوس
الموسيقى حرام يا غالي❤
انت تتكلم بسرعة لا تمكننا من الفهم و التركيز
شو لازم اتعلم؟؟
شوف لو بايبيعونه
أنا مشتري
فديو جميل لكن كان طويل شويه
https://youtu.be/1DthG_YLITs?si=Xffx-WzVRxkXwD43 = Icarus project
Kantferej w kangol had khuna f chkel nta ktebti dik “incuding” w ana fchelt 😂😂
عشان تعرف تعمل دخل من اونلاين اول خطوة انك مهم جدا جدا تستثمر في نفسك وبعدين لازم تقدم شئ ذات قيمة سواء خدمة او منتج
وفالحالتين لازم يكون الذكاء الاصطناعي صاحبك فالطريق
لأنك هتحتاجه ف كل خطوة فالبيزنس بتاعك
سوق العمل دلوقت بيتيح فرص اكبر للأشخاص اللي مهاراتهم اكتر
وكل ما زادت مهاراتك كل ما زاد احتياج الناس ليك وكل ما قلت زاد احتياجك للناس
وعشان كدا عملنا افضل كورس احتراف التعامل مع الذكاء الاصطناعي علي الاطلاق تقييمه علي يوديمي(4٫9) واللي بيميزنا انك تقدر تشتغل بيه ف اي مجال عمل زي (التعليم – البيزنيس – البحث عن وظائف – التسويق الالكتروني – انشاء المحتوي النصي – انشاء المحتوي الفيديو – التصميم – البرمجة – أمن المعلومات)
وهتكون قادر بعد الكورس انك تعمل٫٫٫
* تقدر تعمل في دقائق ١٠٠٠ فيديو ريلز حصري عبر الذكاء الاصطناعي وترفعها علي جميع منصات الفيديو وكمان هو اللي هيجيبلك المحتوي اللي تحدده 😎
* تقدر تعمل كتب الكترونية حصرية بالذكاء الاصطناعي وتبيعها
* تقدر تعمل CV احترافية للناس وتبيعها
* تقد تنشئ صور احترافية بدون حقوق وتبيعها وتطبعها لوحات
* تقدر تعدل او تغير الصور عبر الذكاء الاصطناعي
* تقدر تعدل صور منتجات الشركات بشكل احترافي
* تقدر تصمم لوجو احترافي للشركات وتحقق مبلغ كبير
* تقدر تفتح شركة عبر اقتراح فكره واسم ولوجو وصور
* تقدر تشتغل في الترجمة لأي لغة في العالم وبشكل احترافي عبر الذكاء الاصطناعي
* تقدر تنشئ مقالات احترافية عبر الذكاء الاصطناعي
* تقدر تنشئ فيديو Voice Over وبلهجة عربي احترافي او انجليزي أو أي لغة في العالم
* تقدر تتعلم مجال الـ SEO وتتصدر في نتايج البحث
* تقدر تصمم برنامج او كود يساعدك في شغلك لو مبتدئ
* تقدر تحصل علي استشارات احترافية ومجانية
* تقدر تنشئ فيديوهات كارتونية بدون ظهور صورتك
* تقدر تكتب اعلانات الميديا بشكل احترافي لجذب العملاء
* تقدر تتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية او اي لغة في العالم عبر التحدث او الاستماع من خلال الذكاء الاصطناعي
وأمور آخري كتير ان شاء الله كل شخص يقدر يوظفها علي حسب مجاله.
لينك الكورس تقدر تشوف تقييم العملاء لينا
مستني اي كلم الرقم دا علي واتساب wa.link/p1mkwc وليك كود خصم 50% لفترة محدودة
نريد نصيحة نتعلم برمجة ولا سايبر سكيوريتي ولا علم الحاسوب ولا الذكاء الاصطناعي مش عارفة من ويم ابدا خايفة اقعد سنوات اتعلم برمجة وبعدها تكون مالهاش اي لزمة 😢
وانتا بتحكي زبط لسانك ما في داعي تلوء لسانك
أيييييييييييه دااااااااءءءءء 😱😱😱🔥
التطور رائع جداً ولكن هيكون ليه سلبيات كبيره جدا
وشكرا علي الشرح التفاصيل❤❤